Psychophysiology-Based QoE Assessment: A Survey

Published in Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2016

Engelke, U., Darcy, D. P., Mulliken, G. H., Bosse, S., Martini, M.G. Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Chan, K. Y., Ramzan, N. & Brunnström, K.

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We present a survey of psychophysiology-based assessment for quality of experience (QoE) in advanced multimedia technologies. We provide a classification of methods relevant to QoE and describe related psychological processes, experimental design considerations, and signal analysis techniques. We summarize multimodal techniques and discuss several important aspects of psychophysiology-based QoE assessment, including the synergies with psychophysical assessment and the need for standardized experimental design. This survey is not considered to be exhaustive but serves as a guideline for those interested to further explore this emerging field of research.

Recommended citation: Engelke, U., Darcy, D. P., Mulliken, G. H., Bosse, S., Martini, M.G. Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Chan, K. Y., Ramzan, N. & Brunnström, K. (2017). Psychophysiology-based QoE Assessment: A Survey. Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 11, 6-21,