Tablet-based outpatient care for people with dementia: Guideline-based treatment planning, personalized disease management and network-based care

Published in 14th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, 2018

Lech, S., O’Sullivan-Solte, J., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Gellert, P. & Nordheim, J.

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Recommended citation: Lech, S.,O’Sullivan-Solte, J., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Gellert, P. & Nordheim, J. (2018, October). Tablet-based outpatient care for people with dementia: Guideline-based treatment planning, personalized disease management and network-based care. Poster presented at the 14th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS), Berlin, Germany.