Single Vs Dual: Influence of the Number of Displays on User Experience Within Virtually Embodied Conversational Systems

Published in 30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2024

Ashrafi, N., Hinzmann, S. L., Vona, F., Graf, P., Harnisch, P., Marquardt, M. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N.

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The current research evaluates user experience and preference when interacting with a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) healthcare application displayed on a single tablet in comparison to interaction with the same application distributed across two tablets. We conducted a within-subject user study with 43 participants who engaged with and rated the usability of our system and participated in a post-experiment interview to collect subjective data. Our findings showed significantly higher usability and higher pragmatic quality ratings for the single tablet condition. However, some users attribute a higher level of presence to the avatar and prefer it to be placed on a second tablet.

Recommended citation: Ashrafi, N., Hinzmann, S. L., Vona, F., Graf, P., Harnisch, P., Marquardt, M. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024, October). Single Vs Dual: Influence of the Number of Displays on User Experience Within Virtually Embodied Conversational Systems. Paper presented at the 30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2024), Trier, Germany.